Who we are
Digital Excellence Bridge is a training and coaching company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Our goal is to help individuals and small businesses in the region develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital economy. We offer a range of services, including business startup training, digital literacy courses, and leadership and business simulation. Our business startup training includes entrepreneurial finance, business planning, and operations management, which are essential for anyone looking to start their own business.
Our digital literacy courses cover a range of topics, including introduction to digital applications in business and management, and inter-connected services and skills. These courses are designed to help professionals and businesses stay up to date with the latest digital tools and techniques. Finally, our leadership and business simulation courses focus on digital financial mastery and strategic planning, helping businesses to incorporate advanced modules into their operations and achieve sustainable goals
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Message from the founder
Dr. Racha Abdrabbo Haffar
As a life-long learner and a devoted academic professor, I have the passion of knowledge sharing. It is such a rewarding process to transfer knowledge and enable others to use it in building their careers.
In DeXB, we are committed to provide an advanced experience of training courses using the most innovative methods, considering each trainee’s learning ability and pace of knowledge-building progress. Our promise is to avail digital inclusion for all participants and ensure that the most recent technological tools are taught and implemented throughout the different economic sectors. The fast advancement of technology made Educational tools and simulation methods necessary tools to revert to in education and training. The main focus is on startups, business acumen, and digital finance to support youth leadership and women empowerment through entrepreneurship and sustainability.
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Our approach is to adopt updated technology to enrich the learning experience we offer. Adaptive learning resonates with agility as we find options to reflect this type of dynamics. We aim to create a culture that nurtures that process. Digital transformation comes with challenge, yet it is vital for setting new operating models and create new products and values to advance the business.
Learning is the way to change! Exploring potential opportunities through digital training and AI tools implementation. Our learning journey is inspired by innovation, and our mission is to extend our courses to cover the latest technology in digital literacy.
So let’s explore our learning journey for the future!
Dr. Racha Abdrabbo Haffar
About Us
Our target audience
In DeXB, our KHDA-certified courses primarily cater to business professionals seeking to reskill and stay competitive in today’s fast-evolving business landscape. Additionally, we focus on youth aspiring to upskill for better career opportunities. We work closely with entrepreneurs eager to leverage AI advancements in their ventures. Our goal is to foster a community of learners, ready to embrace the future of work driven by adapting to the constantly-changing technology evolution.
Our Team
Troy Vincent Ruiz
Digital Media Manager
Troy is a driven IT professional. He is talented in creating relevant media material for business platforms and using it to build the company’s digital identity.
Executive Assistant
Product Development Director
Tech Support officer
Embrace The Future
Our expert team is dedicated to providing valuable insights and support. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, we present our three bespoke programs to guide you through your success journey!
This program aims to provide essential financial knowledge to empower women with skills, knowledge, and resources needed to thrive in various aspects personally and professionally
Our newly launched program is dedicated to promoting Emiratis by emphasizing the core values of continuous learning, adaptive mindset, and digital innovation.
Unlocking Business Success: Key Concepts to understand Financial Statements
Understanding financial statements is essential for making informed decisions and driving success. This transformative program aims to explain the function of the primary financial statements and equip trainees with required skills to analyze them